Women who are diagnosed with late-stage and aggressive breast cancer are more likely to have a low vitamin D level than women who have less aggressive cancer.
Tag: treatment for breast cancer
Cutting Prepackaged Foods Lowers BPA Levels: Study
The easiest way to reduce your exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals such as BPA (bisphenol A) may be to eat fresh, unpackaged foods, a new report suggests.
Having More Kids May Increase Risk of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
A new study has found that the more times a woman gives birth, the greater her risk of developing triple-negative breast cancer.
Smoking May Increase Breast Cancer Risk
Women who smoke before menopause are more likely to develop breast cancer, a new study finds.
12 Common Health Myths Debunked
Despite what your parents told you, swallowed gum won’t take 7 years to digest. And that’s just one of the things they got wrong!
Experimental Med Helps Treat Aggressive Breast Cancer
The experimental breast cancer drug Iniparib appears to shrink tumors, increase the time tumors take to progress, and prolongs survival in women with triple negative breast cancer.
Researchers Find New Way to Kill Breast Cancer Cells
Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast have discovered a new way of causing breast cancer cells to self destruct.