Tag: causes of breast cancer

What is HER2? – HER2 + Breast Cancer

In HER2 positive breast cancer, increasing the amount of HER2 protein found on the surface of tumor cells. This is known as’ HER2 Positivity. “High levels of HER2 found in malignant forms of this disease is much less respond to chemotherapy. Research shows that HER2 Positivity Affects approximately 20-30 percent of women with breast cancer.

HER2 positive breast cancer, which Affects approximately 20-30 percent of women with breast cancer, demands immediate attention because the tumor grew rapidly and likely to recur. These results provide the first evidence that adding a third in the first chemotherapy regimen most commonly used of Herceptin and taxane provide great additional benefits for patients with malignant forms of this disease. This drug combination was also generally well received. Approximately 25% of breast cancer patients who had HER2 + tumors. HER2 stands for human epidermal growth factor receptor. This is very important to know whether the cancer HER2 status. This is because the HER2 + tumors tend to grow and spread faster than tumors that are not HER2 +. In addition, treatment of HER2 + breast cancer is different from breast cancer treatment is not HER2

“Patients with HER2 positive breast cancer is usually advanced stage has a bad prognosis because their cancers are not always respond well to standard chemotherapy regiman,” said Dr Andrew Wardley, principal investigator of the study and Consultant Medical Hospital oncologist from Christie Hospital in England. “We must continue to assess the potential benefits of treatment and combination therapy treatment to find a better option for patients. These results show some Encouraging signs that triple combination therapy, and follow-up beyond this study and other studies will help us continue to investigate its potential. “

The HER2 proteins, also called the HER2 receptor, found on the surface of some normal cells in the body. In normal cells, HER2 proteins help send growth signals from outside the cell into the cell. These signals tell the cell to grow and divide.

In HER2 + breast cancer, cancer cells have abnormally high number of HER2 genes per cell. When this happens, too much HER2 protein appears on the surface of cancer cells are. It’s called too much HER2 protein. Too much HER2 protein is thought to cause the cancer cells grow and divide more quickly. This is why HER2 + breast cancer is considered aggressive.

Lifetime Risk of Breast Cancer

Although the exact causes of breast cancer is unknown, most experts agree that there are several factors that increase the risk of breast cancer.
On risk factors associated with breast cancer

In the age group, breast cancer was diagnosed:
– 4 of 1.000 women at the age of 30 years
-14 Out of 1.000 women at age 40 years
-26 O from 1000 women at age 50 years
-37 Of 1000 women at the age of 60 years.

Breast cancer risk:

History of breast cancer.
Women who have had breast cancer in one breast have increased opportunity to have another breast cancer or breast cancer could be the same again, in one breast, or in other areas of the body, such as lung, liver, brain, or bone.

Family history.
A woman with breast cancer risk increases if her mother, sister, daughter, or two or more other close relatives such as cousins, have a history of breast cancer, especially if they are diagnosed with breast cancer before age 50.

Women who inherit specific changes (genetic mutations) in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are much more likely to suffer breast cancer. They are also more likely to have colon or ovarian cancer. But most women who have a family history of breast cancer do not have changes in BRCA genes.

Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are more common in ethnic groups, such as the Ashkenazi Jews, a genetic test available to determine whether you have the genetic mutations long before the cancer appears. In families where many women have breast or ovarian cancer, genetic testing can show whether a woman has specific genetic changes known to increase risk of breast cancer.

If you change your breasts. Women who have atypical hyperplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or those who have two or more breast biopsies other noncancerous conditions are more likely to develop breast cancer.

Other factors

– No birth children.
Women who had their first child after age 30 have a greater chance of developing breast cancer compared with women who had their children at a younger age. Women who never had children have an increased risk for developing breast cancer.

– No feeding.
Women who do not breastfeed have a higher risk of breast cancer than those who are breastfeeding. The longer you breastfeed, the lower the risk of breast cancer.

– Race.
In white women, breast cancer is more common than black, Hispanic, or Asian women. However, black women are more likely to get breast cancer at a younger age and are also more likely to die of breast cancer.6

– Radiation therapy.
Woman’s breasts exposed a significant amount of radiation at a young age, especially those treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, have an increased risk for developing breast cancer.

– Hormones.
Female hormones have an important role in some types of breast cancer.

Having extra body fat and drinking alcohol both lead to a higher level of estrogen in the body. Especially after menopause, when natural estrogen levels low, it increases your breast cancer risk.8

The use of estrogen-progestin hormone therapy after menopause for several years or more increases the risk of breast cancer. But within 5 years after you stop using combination therapy, your risk of returning to normal. Long-term use of estrogen alone can increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. 7

Starting menstruation before age 12 and beginning menopause later than age 55 years of women’s increased risk of breast cancer. The years when you have your menstrual cycle of high-estrogen years. Experts think that the longer you have higher estrogen, the greater your risk for breast cancer.8

Hopefully useful.

treatment and causes of breast cancer

WATCH FULL VIDEO AT THIS LINK :::: breast-cancer-awareness.notlong.com David Picanco looked over at his wife, Lori, as she sobbed while recalling her battle with breast cancer. Then, the tears began flowing down his face. From the kitchen island of their Stoughton home, Picanco’s emotions flooded out as he spoke about the ordeal that led to his wife’s double mastectomy — and the role he played in her recovery. "It was my project at home," Picanco, 40, said. "It kept me busy and it kept me focused. As the man, I’m supposed to keep my emotions inside." Again this year, The Enterprise is publishing a "Pink edition" to spotlight Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. More than 1 million women worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and more than 500000 die from it.

Source: YouTube

Effect of Aspirin as an Anti-Cancer

breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer drug, breast cancer, breast cancer drug, breast cancerRecent research indicates aspirin was able to show progress in the treatment of breast cancer and prevent the risk of recurrent cancer (recurrent cancer). Aspirin also suppress the spread of cancer in some places.

Aspirin for anti-breast cancer How aspirin can increase the survival of breast cancer?
Nurses Health Study followed more than 4,000 nurses who have been treated with aspirin for breast cancer for at least the previous 12 months showed very good aspirin reduce mortality and prevent recurrent cancer

Can aspirin be used as a substitute drug for the treatment of breast cancer?
No, aspirin can prevent the occurrence of recurrent breast cancer in combination therapy only if other breast cancer is recommended.

Several studies have shown that aspirin can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women who do not have the disease. And several other studies reached the opposite conclusion.

When data from several studies are combined, there is evidence that aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen) can slightly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Many women who are not breast cancer. Take aspirin every day in the long run can also be risky, especially the risk of stomach or intestinal bleeding. This means that for most women, the risk of taking aspirin may exceed the benefit of preventing breast cancer.

However, when taken under medical supervision, use of low-dose aspirin regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease. It’s not clear whether women with a higher risk for breast cancer may be an additional benefit of aspirin.

Is aspirin can prevent other types of cancer?
Aspirin drug most studied in colon cancer. From the study strongly suggest that aspirin may increase survival in patients treated for colon cancer. The study also showed that aspirin lowers the risk of new polyps in patients with post-appointment of precancerous intestinal polyps, and regular use of aspirin lowers the risk of colon cancer. Aspirin also may reduce the risk of other cancers, especially prostate cancer and esophagus cancer.

SilencingBreastCancer Part 2

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is the Founder and President of the Breast Health and Healing Foundation and a breast cancer surgeon who is dedicated to finding the causes of breast cancer and using that knowledge to prevent the disease. General Information email: contact@breasthealthandhealing.com Contacting Dr. Kathleen T. Ruddy email: drruddy@breasthealthandhealing.com Category: Nonprofits & Activism

Source: YouTube

Factors Cause Breast Cancer

The cause of breast cancer until now Clearly not yet known, but the most Influencing factors of breast cancer are age and family history of breast cancer once. Will increase the risk for women who have benign breast lumps and will increase significantly for a woman who previously suffered from breast or ovarian cancer.

Women who have a mother, sister, or daughter had breast cancer is two to three times greater risk of breast cancer. Researchers have identified two genes responsible for some cases of breast cancer, called BRCA1 families and BRCA2. About one in 200 women carry. After the gene predisposes women to breast cancer, but does not guarantee that he’ll get it.

Women aged over 50 years have 77% risk of breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women more at risk for getting breast cancer before menopause Caucasions.

Women’s greater exposure to the hormone estrogen, the more vulnerable to breast cancer. Estrogen tells cells to divide, the more the cells divide, the more likely they will be normal in some ways, may become cancerous.

Menstrual History
Menstrual history was also an important role to be wary of this cancer attack.
The length of time the average menstrual cycle, women who are at risk for breast cancer increases if he had started menstruating before age 12 years, having first child after age 30 years, stopped menstruating after the age of 55 years, or have shorter menstrual cycles or more longer than the average normal is between 26-29 days.

Drinking alcohol regularly are more than two drinks a day may cause breast cancer

Weight Loss
Obesity that occurs after menopause can trigger breast cancer, for women should maintain body weight with a balanced diet and regular.
Obesity is a risk factor that must be considered. Many studies have shown that women are a high-fat diets are more likely to get the disease. A woman lowered daily calories from fat – to less than 20% -30% – her diet can help protect against breast cancer.

SilencingBreastCancer Part 5 The Pink Virus

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is the Founder and President of the Breast Health and Healing Foundation and a breast cancer surgeon who is dedicated to finding the causes of breast cancer and using that knowledge to prevent the disease. General Information email: contact@breasthealthandhealing.com Contacting Dr. Kathleen T. Ruddy email: drruddy@breasthealthandhealing.com

Source: YouTube

I Promise You iPad App

The primary feature of the Breast Health and Healing, "I Promise You" application is to provide the user with the latest news about breast cancer research. This application allows you to tweet and share on Facebook the most current research on breast cancer with others in the social media space. Included in the application are videos, audio clips, and access to the Breast Health & Healing Foundation website and blog. The "I Promise You" application graphically tracks statistics related to the incidence and mortality from breast cancer around the world, and provides information about the 10 most important pieces of information the user needs to know about breast cancer. The "I Promise You" connects the user to multiple social networking sites such as Linked-In, My Space, and Amplify. The "I Promise You" is dedicated to researching the underlying causes of breast cancer with the goal of using that knowledge to prevent the disease.

Source: YouTube