Tag: causes of breast cancer

Hormone Replacement Therapy and Breast Cancer Risk – Hormone Therapy Risk Very High

Hormone replacement therapy referred to as HRT is used to relieve menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes. A woman usually require hormone therapy of estrogen and progestin well. Women who had undergone a hysterectomy can take estrogen alone. Estrogen reduces hot flashes and prevent osteoporosis, but estrogen may increase the risk of cervical cancer. Added progestin in women with a uterus to prevent this.

Many studies have seen the relationship between hormone therapy and breast cancer. The best evidence for the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy comes from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), a large study Involving more than 16.000 healthy women. Results published in July 2002 showed the risks of HRT in combination with estrogen plus progestin outweigh the benefits. This includes increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and blood clots.

National Institutes of Health concluded that the long-term use of combination hormone therapy can cause much more serious risk than its profits. Currently, 6 million U.S. women using a combination of hormones to reduce menopausal symptoms.

Not only the combined HRT increases the risk of breast cancer, but also increases the likelihood that cancer will be found in more advanced stages. This is due to the effects of reducing the effectiveness of mammography.

If a woman no longer have a uterus, estrogen alone can be given for menopausal symptoms. This may not increase the risk of breast cancer, in March 2004 from the WHI study concluded that those taking only estrogen had an increased risk of breast cancer or heart disease, but estrogen did not increase the risk of a stroke.

Benefits of HRT and the risk

Hormone replacement therapy is an effective treatment for reducing hot flashes of menopause. But the known link between hormone therapy and increased risk of breast cancer has discouraged many women and their doctors from choosing or recommending this treatment.

Type of hormone therapy can be estrogen therapy alone or combined estrogen and progestin, and women’s individual characteristics, risk factors, and severity of menopausal symptoms, should be considered when weighing the risks and benefits of HRT. The decision to use hormone therapy after menopause should be made by a woman and her health care provider after weighing all the potential risks, including heart disease, breast cancer, stroke and blood clots, and the benefits to the relief of menopausal symptoms and preventing osteoporosis .

HRT and breast cancer specialists have prevented many of the recommended breast for breast cancer can survive. However, many women who experience menopausal symptoms after breast cancer treatment. Some forms of chemotherapy can also cause premature menopause in Premenopausal Women.

Alternatives to HRT to Protect Your Bones From Osteoporosis

Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are a new class of drugs similar to estrogen protects against osteoporosis by increasing bone density, while perhaps also protects against the development of breast cancer.

Raloxifene is a widely used SERMs that have been shown to increase growth and bone density. Unfortunately it did not reduce symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes and may actually worsen them. Although the FDA has approved this drug for prevention of osteoporosis, studies have shown benefits in preventing breast cancer.

Drink calcium and vitamin D every day to prevent or treat osteoporosis.

Weight Loss

breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer drug, breast cancerWeight loss will come down drastically due to reasons that are unclear, loss of appetite, or fatigue is the first sign of cancer, especially cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus, or lungs.

– Fever or night sweats

– Change the skin:
certain cancers can produce visible skin signs such as hyperpigmentation, jaundice, erythema, itching, or excessive hair growth.

– The wound that never Healed in the mouth.

– It’s hard to swallow.
constant pain in the mouth can become cancerous mouth and must be dealt with promptly, especially in patients who smoke, chew tobacco, or frequently drink alcohol.
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) may indicate cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or throat.

– Swelling, abnormal swelling in the neck, under arms, or in any part of the body.

– Swelling in the breast, an abnormal fluid coming out of the nipple, a lump in the breast or testes.

– Cough-cough long enough even with blood.
Hoarseness / cough: A persistent cough may be a sign of lung cancer. Husky may indicate cancer of the larynx.

– Abdominal bloating or bleeding in the anus.

– Excessive bleeding during menstruation was normal.

– Abnormal fluid out through the vagina or bleeding after having sex.

– Urine or stools with blood. (LUC):
Changes in bowel habits / bladder function: Chronic constipation or diarrhea may be a sign of colon cancer.

What causes breast cancer?

After a Mastectomy

breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer drug, breast cancerPlastic surgery is divided into two types, namely reconstruction and plastic surgery aesthetic plastic surgery., Reconstructive plastic surgery for breast cancer do to change the skin, breast and nipple tissue removed during mastectomy. The number of missing tissue varies with mastectomy respectively. The factors that contribute to the amount of tissue removed includes wide, size, and location of the original tumor and its proximity to the axilla, where the lymph nodes removed.

This is an option for women facing a mastectomy with reconstruction is to restore the symmetry between both breasts.
Breast Reconstruction chose to restore its original form through the breast reconstruction plastic surgery. “.

After a mastectomy, you may choose to wear external breast forms or pads or no attempt to change your appearance. Or you can choose breast reconstruction, using either breast implants or your own network.

Doing breast reconstruction is not only change your physical appearance, but also has a psychological advantage and it can help restore your confidence and your family.

Reconstructive surgery carried out in accordance with the patient’s own wishes, medical condition, and treatment of cancer. When possible, plastic Surgeons encourage women to begin breast reconstruction at the same time they have their mastectomy. For many women, immediate reconstruction reduces the trauma of having her breasts removed a very large and cost.

In accordance with the development of knowledge is a variety of breast reconstruction techniques are available that offer a cosmetically attractive result. Several factors must be considered, such as destination for patients, medical condition, and previous surgery, are considered when choosing between reconstruction using tissue flaps or breast moved from other parts of the body.

One procedure to consider breast reconstruction after nipple reconstruction. Usually, the nipple and areola (the dark area around the nipple) will be removed during the mastectomy surgery for breast tissue and the risk for cancer recurrence.

Part of the nipple or areola reconstruction is usually done at a later date after completion of breast reconstruction. This allows the new breast tissue to heal and settle in a place so small in size and position adjustments can be made when the nipple and areola reconstructed. and usually patients with Outpatient lived and performed under local anesthesia. Tissue of the nipple or areola is often taken from the newly built breast. To match the color of the other nipple and areola to create, medical tattooing can also be done for adjustment.

Or using fake nipples are other options that could be temporary or permanent. The plastic surgeon makes a copy of your natural color of the nipple and areola. This can stick to using the fake breasts and stick adhesive back every week or more.

Preparation of breast reconstruction surgery
The anesthetic and any work done to treat breast cancer may take two hours. After the plastic surgery team took over, the Reconstructive part of this procedure is completed in one additional one to six hours. After surgery, patients must stay in the recovery room about two to three hours before and then transferred to a hospital room.

The first few days after the operation, you will experience some discomfort, but you will be given pain medication as needed. During your stay in hospital, your recovery will be Monitored.

After surgery you will be trained to move my arms, but not for any heavy activities such as pulling away, get out of bed, or lifting heavy objects. The nurse will help you in and out of bed. Usually the day after surgery, you will usually be sitting in a chair beside the bed. On the second day, most patients walk without help from others.

Infusion may be continued for one or two days, but you will Gradually progress to a normal diet. You may have a urinary catheter in overnight or until you can walk to the bathroom. You will also flow in the incision site. If you come home with drains in place, you will be given instructions on how to treat them.

The length of stay in hospital depends on the type of operation and the progress of your physical recovery. If you’ve got the implants, the average length of Hospitalization is one or two days. If the flap procedure requires only five to six days.

When you come home from the hospital, you can deal with some pain, such as swelling, and bruising for two to three weeks. You will be asked to apply the medicine to the area to replace sutures or bandages at home. Your plastic surgeon will tell you about how to bathe your wounds and treatment.

Return to normal activities and live it would normally take about six weeks after surgery. Can also occur within a few weeks you can not do heavy work.

Mastectomy and breast reconstruction will create Numbness in parts of the operation, you too will feel the pain in the tissue was taken, the patient may feel Numbness and stiffness. In time, some feeling may return in your breast. Then the scar will disappear.

After Undergoing breast reconstruction, you have to do is check your breasts regularly every month. please be aware of breast reconstruction does not affect the recurrence of cancer or oversight and generally does not interfere with chemotherapy or radiation. You also must continue to have regular screening exams, such as an annual mammogram.

Hopefully useful.
Posted by rudi at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy
Article Source: http://breast-cancersymptoms.com/

Collaborative Drug Testing for Breast Cancer

WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY – Three pharmaceutical manufacturers, the United States Government, and nonprofit research institutions work together to test five new breast cancer drug. Cooperation which made the five drug to be marketed as soon as it was announced in Washington, Wednesday (17/3/2010).

Research topic Investigation of Serial Studies to Predict Your Therapeutic Response with Imaging and Molecular Analysis (I-SPY2) was tested DNA analysis approach to determine the best drug for each individual patient.

I-SPY2 also tested DNA analysis approach to identify the type of action and what the treatment is not suitable for each individual patient. Thus, every action and treatment is not suitable for patients can be stopped.

Research that will last for five years to get the budget 26 million U.S. dollars. Third pharmaceutical manufacturers involved in the research, Abbott Laboratories, Amgen, and Pfizer agreed to share information, the effectiveness of DNA analysis approach in estimating the impact of their production of drugs to the U.S. Biomarkers Consortium. Research information will also be distributed to the National Agency for Drug and Food United States (FDA) and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (National Institutes of Health).

“I think this kind of research could be a model in future research,” said Deputy Director of the U.S. National Cancer Institute Anna Barker when contacted Reuters.

“Research I-SPY 2 will be the first step to create individualized treatment for each cancer patient,” says breast cancer surgeon University of California San Francisco, Dr. Laura Esserman. Esserman also will be testing clinic leader of the study.

Drugs used in cancer research is ABT-888 or the production veliparib Abbott Laboratories. The drug that works by blocking cellular repair enzymes needed by cancer cells.

The second drug is AMG 655 (conatumumab) production Amgen, which is a kind of barrier APO / TRAIL causes cancer cells to destroy themselves.

The third drug being tested is AMG 386, also developed by Amgen. The drug works by stopping the ability of tumor blood flow in the tumor cells.

Two final drug is Pfizer’s production, CP-751, 871 (figitumumab) and HKI-272 (neratinib). CP-751, 871 that attacks the nerve endings of insulin growth factor (IGFR), whereas HKI-272 works by destroying a number of the recipient nerve stimulation on cancer cells. (row)

Breast Cancer,Metastatic or Recurrent – Symptoms

Symptoms of metastatic and recurrent breast cancer depend on how much the cancer has spread. You may have specific physical symptoms, such as a lump in your breast or on your chest wall, bone pain, or shortness of breath. Many women do not have symptoms. Recurrent or metastatic breast cancer is often found before symptoms appear, either on a chest X-ray or as part of another test.

Recurrent breast cancer.
If you have cancer that recurs in the same area (local recurrence), you may have symptoms such as:

* A lump or thickening in the breast, chest wall, or armpit after you have had breast-conserving surgery or a mastectomy . You may notice that the skin of your chest looks or feels different.
* A change in the size or shape of the breast or a dimple or pucker in the skin of the breast.
* Discharge or bleeding from the nipple that occurs without squeezing the nipple (spontaneous discharge).
* A change in the nipple, such as a scaly or crusty look or a nipple that draws inward (retraction or inversion).

Metastatic breast cancer

Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer will depend on the area affected and how far your breast cancer has spread.

Metastatic breast cancer symptoms Area affected Symptom

Usually be seen the signs in the breast or chest wall

* Lump or thickening in your breast or under your arm
* Changes in size or shape of your breast
* Changes in the skin of your breast or chest wall
* Chest wall pain
* Discharge from your nipple

Bones, especially the back, hips, or sternum

* Pain
* Fractures
* Constipation
* Fatigue
* Decreased alertness from high calcium levels


* Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
* Cough
* Chest wall pain
* Extreme fatigue


* Nausea
* Extreme fatigue
* Increased abdominal girth
* Fluid collection (edema) in your feet and legs
* Yellowing or itching of the skin

Brain and spinal cord

* Pain
* Confusion
* Memory loss
* Headache
* Blurred or double vision
* Change in how your skin senses touch, pain, or any other physical feeling
* Trouble speaking or understanding speech
* Trouble standing, moving, or walking
* Seizures

Inflammatory breast cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a specific type of breast cancer that involves the skin of the breast. It occurs when breast cancer cells form “nests” and block the lymphatic drainage from the skin of the breast. Symptoms include redness, tenderness, and warmth. Thickening of the skin of the breast (orange peel appearance), rapid breast enlargement, and ridging of the skin of the breast may also occur. Some women may also develop itching, bruising, or a lump in the breast. See a picture of inflammatory breast cancer

Birth control pills and breast cancer risk

Male than a female organ that is also a vital organ that plays an important role in human growth. So women all over the world to keep this one organ as possible to avoid all kinds of diseases. Especially from breast cancer attacks.

Oral contraceptives have become the most popular and one of the most effective form of birth control used in the United States, but increased risk of breast cancer has led to debate about the role that birth control pills may have side effects in developing breast cancer.

A recent study of breast cancer prevention comes from Australian researchers. They Assume that by consuming Pill or pill at a Relatively young age can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Eat regular Pill for 12 months, the risk of breast cancer attacks became less. Particularly for young women who have the BRCA1 gene as much as 10% -20%, as they report in The Sydney Morning Herald.

Scandinavian researchers have noted an increase in breast cancer, women’s groups who are taking or have recently taken birth control pills. Again using the pills seem to increase the risk. Similar research found that 10 years or more after women stopped using birth control pills, the risk of their breast cancer return to the same extent as if they never use birth control pills.

However, the reputation of another study conducted by the Women’s contraception and Reproductive Experiences (Women’s CARE) conducted between 1994 and 1998 showed no increased risk of breast cancer in current or former pill users.

In general, most studies found no overall increased risk of breast cancer due to the use of oral contraceptives.

Has a History of Breast Cancer. Should I Take Birth Control Pills?

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women with a family history of breast cancer never have a chance up to 11 times higher risk of breast cancer, if they had ever used the pill. But experts warn that the study involved mainly women who take birth control pills before the year 1975, when it contains much higher levels of the hormones estrogen and progestin than today’s low dose pills.

Those who have a family history of breast cancer associated with mutations in the BRCA genes should use caution before taking birth control pills. Families at increased risk of breast cancer in carriers of these genes further changes may increase the risk of breast cancer by taking birth control pills. Recent research showed the pill does not increase the risk in women carriers of the abnormal BRCA2 gene, but not to those who have the BRCA1 gene has been changed.

But the Pill is not likely to prevent breast cancer and cervical cancer for women with the BRCA1 genetic. This is very important for women in the country Kangaroo, because 1 of 500 Australian women have the gene, with the risk of breast cancer by 60%.

Keep health care with a more healthy life style, and do not miss to perform breast self-examination.

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy speaking in Madison NJ about the viral causes breast cancer

Dr. Kathleen T. Ruddy is a breast cancer surgeon, Founder and Medical Director of the Breast Service at Clara Maass Medical Center in Belleville, New Jersey in 1995, Founder and President of Breast Health And Healing, her private practice in New Jersey in 1999, and Founder and Executive Director of the Breast Health & Healing Foundation in 2008. This video features Dr. Ruddy speaking about tnew scientific discoveries related to viral causes of breast cancer and the latest research related to finding the causes of this deadly epidemic.

Source: YouTube

Silencing Breast Cancer Part 6 The Pink Virus

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is the Founder and President of the Breast Health and Healing Foundation and a breast cancer surgeon who is dedicated to finding the causes of breast cancer and using that knowledge to prevent the disease. General Information email: contact@breasthealthandhealing.com Contacting Dr. Kathleen T. Ruddy email: drruddy@breasthealthandhealing.com

Source: YouTube

Sister Study helps find the causes of breast cancer!!

The Sister Study, conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, is seeking 50000 women whose sisters had breast cancer to help find the causes of breast cancer. For more information visit www.sisterstudy.org, or for Spanish www.estudiodehermanas.org. Call toll-free 1-877-4SISTER (877-474-7837). Deaf/Hard of Hearing call 1-866-TTY-4SIS (866-889-4747).

Source: YouTube

SilencingBreastCancer Part 1

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is the Founder and President of the Breast Health and Healing Foundation and a breast cancer surgeon who is dedicated to finding the causes of breast cancer and using that knowledge to prevent the disease. General Information email: contact@breasthealthandhealing.com Contacting Dr. Kathleen T. Ruddy email: drruddy@breasthealthandhealing.com

Source: YouTube