Scottish girl’s battle with stage 3 breast cancer. This clip documents the first of my 6 chemotherapy treatments.
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Scottish girl’s battle with stage 3 breast cancer. This clip documents the first of my 6 chemotherapy treatments.
Source: YouTube
MaryEllen Sheppard knew something was wrong as soon as she felt a thickened patch of skin on her right breast. She didn’t feel a lump, but knew the change was different enough to get it checked out. A mammogram and subsequent biopsy caught her by surprise. She had breast cancer. Looking to share her experience with other women coping with this disease, the 53-year-old mom (and new grandmother) from Tempe, Arizona, allowed a video crew from Mayo Clinic in Arizona to follow her on her journey. From the moment MaryEllen Sheppard was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, she wondered how she developed cancer.Her ancestors, she said, tended to live long, healthy lives.And other than a cousin, she wasn’t aware of anyone else in her family who had breast cancer. As her battle against the disease began, MaryEllen’s thoughts also turned to her sisters, nieces, daughter and granddaughter who was on the way. Could they be at risk too? In late March, MaryEllen and her sister Eileen met with Mayo Clinic’s genetic counselor Katherine Hunt to find out if genetics could have played a role in her diagnosis and get a better idea of how at risk her female relatives are. The following video show excerpts from MaryEllen’s actual counseling session with Katherine Hunt.
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Breast Cancer, Video Games side effects, and more.Health News by Professor Parviz Ghadirian
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Support Us We raise Awareness with the Fight Against Beast Cancer fundraising for the cause and the cure are Non-profit Organization is becoming a Social web the FABC is a 501 (c) 3 Help Contribute to the Fight…
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