Attacking Breast Cancer Young

breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer drug,  breast cancerFROM time to time, the number of breast cancer patients in Indonesia continues to grow. Alarming, the last few years of breast cancer patients began to attack the young.

The myth that says that breast cancer is often attacked the woman who was aged over 30 years, seemed unbroken. The problem, now the age of breast cancer patients increasingly shifted to young women, aka the new kid.

Data collected Jakarta Breast Health Foundation says many people with breast cancer at relatively young ages. Even some young women the age of fourteen tumors in the breast. This is of course sad and disturbing.

“Last I handle the age of 15 years. That is the reality we experience problems, “said the Breast Health Foundation Chairman Dr Sutjipto SpB Jakarta (K) Onk the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a working partner Ristra Group at the House of Ristra, Radio Dalam, Jakarta.

Sutjipto revealed, once when he was new to the profession of medicine through, about 40 years ago, breast cancer is still dominated by women aged over 35 years. Growing years, the age of the patient in fact continued to decline.

“Starting last five years, cases under 25 years of growing,” he said.

This fact, he’s bright, it is not known because the exact cause of cancer-related several factors.

But the most important one, firmly Sutjipto, is related to lifestyle (lifestyle) a person, especially eating unhealthy foods (junk food), smoking, alcohol or it could be because of late marriage.

“Today many women are more interested in a career so late to get married. It is also a risk factor because they could be giving birth at the age of 35 years and over, “said Sutjipto is also in the oncologists Dharmais Cancer Hospital of Jakarta.

Sutjipto argued, the high number of breast cancer patients in Indonesia is also due to low awareness of women for early detection of breast cancer screening by breast or mammography equipment called.

“There is more to know check Pap smears to prevent cervical cancer than amografi,” he said.

In other countries, he said, the effort of early detection has become a national program. In Japan for example, when the population of women 40 years of age, he automatically get the voucher from the government to run the mammography at the hospital. While most countries in Europe, the company has insurance cover routine checkups mammography in health claims.

“The symptoms of breast cancer did not exist. Approximately 60% of patients with breast cancer in Indonesia only learned the disease had entered the advanced stage. Well, if early detection is, of course, can prevent the disease getting worse, “said Sutjipto.

Related to the number of sufferers in Indonesia, the light Sutjipto, until now not known for sure. There, only the data per hospital. Dharmais Cancer Hospital in Jakarta for example, on average every month comes around 30-50 new patients. Compared to the world, is increasing the number of sufferers in the country is almost the same.

However, of concern in Indonesia and in other developing countries, survival (survival rate) they belong to a new low since receiving medical actions when already in an advanced stage.

“If the developed countries still had handled early stages, so the survival rate was much better,” he explained.

Therefore, the government expects Sutjipto more attention to this problem. Not only the government, he also urged the private sectors and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are concerned about this to move with resolve this issue.

Breast Health Foundation, including Jakarta, which has long been acting to disseminate and conduct outreach to all women in Indonesia, especially Jakarta residents to always be careful and do a routine early detection of breast cancer.

“Although not feel any symptoms, mammography tests were mandatory for women over the age of 35 years. We own the Breast Health Foundation Jakarta has had a car mammography units. So who want breast check-ups, do not need to go to the hospital again, “added Sutjipto.

Founder of the House of Ristra Dr. Tranggono SpKK Iswari Retno said it continues to work with various parties in an effort to educate the general public related to women’s health issues, particularly breast cancer, considering the problem of cancer has become a scourge that must be scary handled properly.

Relations with skin health, said Retno, because our environment is one of the triggers cancer, including sun too stinging, and dirty air from an unhealthy environment.

And if these particles into the skin, would cause a negative reaction in the cell in the body, which eventually can cause cancer. That, he continued, the importance of products to protect skin Ristra time every day activities outside the home.

“Cosmetic products that we produce in Ristra based on the concept of medical health. For breast cancer patients, we also have a post therapy products. For example products for hair loss and skin burns due to chemotherapy clinically proven, “he explained.

Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (State Minister of PP & PA) Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar as the founder of Breast Health Foundation, Jakarta, demanding that women should routinely check mammography for breast cancer may be detected early, especially in remote areas of health services still limited.

Article Source:

Source: Symptom Of Breast Cancer

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